Sunday, January 4, 2009

A New Santa

So while we were at the races, we tried to get the kids to sit with Santa and take a picture however Cohen is weirdly scared of him, therefore we passed up Santa and went to the face painting. When we were finished, Santa was gone, so Shaun volunteered to sit in the chair and take a picture with the kids. While I was taking the picture, an older lady said, "Wow, Santa has changed; can I sit on Santa's lap?" It was hilarious. Shaun and I laughed and the kids just looked confused.

So I wanted to add some pictures and this is one that I could not resist. We took the kids to the horse races a couple of weekends ago and there was a face painter for the kids. She was amazing. Kyleigh of course chose a butterfly and Cohen chose a scary tiger.

Friday, January 2, 2009

Ok, Here Goes Nothing

Ok, so this is my first entry to create; well not officially, I started a blog several months ago but could never remember my password so I only posted once. Well this time I am prepared and one of my new years resolutions is to stay in touch with loved ones and several of my friends have asked that I start a blog so that they can keep in touch, so here I am beginning a blog. This is new to me so I will have to learn as I go. Do not expect any fancy backgrounds for a while please.


About Me

My photo
New Braunfels, Texas, United States
Shaun and I have been married for 11 years. We have two wonderful children, Kyleigh who is 8 and Cohen who is 5. We have a very crazy life it seems, but wouldn't trade it for the world.
"Never have any regrets because at that moment, it was exactly what you wanted." -anonymous
"I would rather you hate me for who I am than love me for who I am not." -anonymous