Sunday, March 28, 2010

Weekend Gardening

My neighbor and K and me decided it was time to get some plants with color for spring. We drove down to C & J Nursery in Martindale and bought a ton of plants. Here is how it all turned out. Shaun and I enjoyed sitting on the porch this evening looking at how nice it turned out. Now I have to be patient and let some of them get fuller!


Anonymous said...

Ya'll did great.... looks good and fun to watch grow !! jac and dad

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About Me

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New Braunfels, Texas, United States
Shaun and I have been married for 11 years. We have two wonderful children, Kyleigh who is 8 and Cohen who is 5. We have a very crazy life it seems, but wouldn't trade it for the world.
"Never have any regrets because at that moment, it was exactly what you wanted." -anonymous
"I would rather you hate me for who I am than love me for who I am not." -anonymous