Thursday, December 24, 2009

The Polar Express

So we went on The Polar Express last night and it was the best thing we have ever done. I would highly recommend it if you are in Durango, CO around Chrismas time. Once we got on, they were given tickets and the ticket man came through and punched holes through them on each child, then they gave them a cookie and hot cocoa while we went through the snowy mountains and along the river. About halfway through, while they were reading the book over the intercom, we stopped at the North Pole. There were lights and elves and Santa. Then we picked up Santa and each child received a silver bell from him as we sang carols. We had a great time and I wanted to share pictures.


Anonymous said...

What a great experience for you, Shaun and the kids ! Wish we could be there too !!! (not too sure about granpa & the snow)
Have a joyful Christmas Eve, we're thinking about you !! xxoo
granpa and jaja

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About Me

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New Braunfels, Texas, United States
Shaun and I have been married for 11 years. We have two wonderful children, Kyleigh who is 8 and Cohen who is 5. We have a very crazy life it seems, but wouldn't trade it for the world.
"Never have any regrets because at that moment, it was exactly what you wanted." -anonymous
"I would rather you hate me for who I am than love me for who I am not." -anonymous